Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Garden to Table

Our next session for Garden to Table is next Tuesday - November 7th. We need helpers if your are available please let us know. Room 2 start at 9am and Room 1 at 11.30am

Monday, 30 October 2017

Term 4 Printmaking

Banksy Inspired Stencil Art   "Art around the school" Project

The students in discoverers 1 have been working hard on producing their own Bansky inspired stencil art. We want to spray their stencil onto wood and varnish so they can be placed around the school.

* Calling any builders or home handypeople*

Needed: Plywood off cuts no bigger than A4 size (50 pieces) If you have any plywood lying around can we please have this cut into any sized pieces A5 - A4 size.

Or if you know of anyone who could supply us with some let us know. We require these by this Friday November 3rd.

*Cardboard cereal boxes, or other cardboard packaging needed for making printing blocks.
Send to school before Friday November 10th.

Thank You

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Happy Spring Day

Here are some of the Room 2 tamariki, with a 'spring' in their step today!