Thursday, 21 February 2019

Monday, 11 February 2019

Thank you so much to all the parents who have put their names down to help at Garden to Table. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Monday, 4 February 2019

Discoverers Team Newsletter Term 1, 2019

The Discoverers Team Newsletter Term 1 2019
“Inspiring a Passion for Learning”

Dear Parents and Caregivers and Whānau

Welcome to the beginning of the school year and in particular we take this opportunity to warmly welcome a
number of new students and their families to our team.  We hope that everyone has had relaxing summer
holiday break and have had a chance to get out and about to enjoy some of the fantastic weather we have
been getting.   The beginning of the school year is a busy and exciting time in the classroom.

This year “The Y3/4 Discoverers” have 2 pods of classrooms.  
In Pod 1 (Rms 1-2) we have Kate Keenan and Heather Owen.
In Pod 2 (Rms 3,4, 5) we have Jenny Wood, Chris Sumer and Jenny Oldridge.

We take a collaborative team wide approach to planning, organising and implementing learning programmes,
experiences and events across the Discoverers Team.  Each Pod will have their own Blog to help keep you
informed of classroom learning, events, information and as a portal to interact with our community.
This can be accessed through the school’s website.  We will endeavour to send most notices for classes out
via our Blogs. An email will be sent to alert you to a Blog notice/message.

At this time of the year routines, expectations, values and classroom programmes are being established,
as well as friendships and relationships being developed and strengthened.  Student Wellbeing is an important
focus for successful learning at school. We have a busy first term of learning and below is an outline of some
of the things we have planned.

School Values: This term we will focus on the value of CARING.

Inquiry Topic:  For the first term there is a whole school focus on Social Sciences.  Our topic is
“Globalization - The In’s and out’s”.  As part of this unit the children will be investigating our place
in the World community, the importance of our relationship with the rest of the world/cultures and what
it means to be part of a Global Community.

Garden to Table:  Please look out for more class specific information regarding this programme.  We are
again very excited to be involved in cultivating, harvesting, preparing and cooking our own vegetables.
 Lessons for this programme will be on Tuesdays. The Garden part of the programme is led by Howard
and the Kitchen part is to be led by Marie Cliff.

Playground areas:  This term (weather dependent) the Discoverers students will be back to playing
down the bottom in the school playground, including the adventure playground.
Sunsmart Term 1: Hats are compulsory for all outside activities and we encourage all students to bring
their own sunscreen to school and regularly apply it to help keep themselves safe in the sun.

Term costs are to be paid directly to the school office or can be paid online to the school’s bank account:  
St Martins School BOT 12 3240 0111723 00. These will be sent out shortly.

Kind regards
Year 3/4 teachers