Monday, 25 March 2019

Check out our Garden to Table photos above :-)

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Fix It! is cancelled today, back to normal next week.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

A big thank you!

Thank you everyone so much for your kind messages of support and gratitude after the events of Friday.  Also for all the baking and fruit that has been shared in the staff room.  Let's hope this is something we don't have to go through together ever again.  Your children continue to be amazing and kind and entertain us every day.

Kind regards
Kate and Heather

Monday, 18 March 2019

Examples of Inquiry Posters

Erik's poster about Hungary contains a title, the name of the country in Hungarian, a map of the country, a map showing where Hungary is in Europe and the distance from New Zealand, many interesting facts, the numbers 1 to 5 in Hungarian and lots of pictures of traditional food.

Here are a few more examples:

Thank you to the students of Rooms 4 and 5 and Erik for letting me share their work.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Home Learning Information Poster Term 1 2019- Country Study

Home Learning Inquiry Project – Term 1 2019 – The World Around Us – Country Focus
To be completed by Week 10, Term 1 please, ready to present to our pod.

Ideas for presenting your country of choice:
·      Poster
·      Booklet
·      Slideshow
·      Book creator
·      Travel agent brochures

You can gain your information from:
·      The internet
·      Your parents and/or grandparents
·      Books
·      Family friends

What to include in your presentation (choose some of the following):
·      Title (the name of your chosen country)
·      Pictures and/or photos
·      Map of the country and/or where it is in the world
·      The flag and the meaning behind it

Interesting facts, such as:
·      Population
·      Language
·      Native animals
·      President or Prime Minister
·      How to say 1-10 in native language
·      Traditional food
·      Popular sport
·      Some words in native language
·      Famous people from your chosen country
·      Does your country have a Queen or King?
·      Currency
·      Alphabet

Extra challenge – can you come up with a visa stamp from your country for us to copy onto our passports?

Have fun!

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Garden to Table

New photos on the Garden to Table page