Thursday 23 February 2017

Meet the Teacher

Thank you to those of you who came to Orientation night on Wednesday. I appreciate that it was a school night, and there were families who couldn't make it. Below is a summary of what was discussed for those who were not here:

·      Our classes are made up of Y3 and Y4 students, who work very well together.
·      Rooms 1 and 2 are operating collaboratively. At the moment we are setting up classroom routines and the children's books to establish high expectations. Our focus in the morning is on key curriculum areas – reading, writing and maths. Focus in the afternoons – Inquiry, Assemblies, PE, Art.
·      Our inquiry this term is "Zero to Hero" - an inquiry into New Zealand heroes and heroines. There will be a research aspect involved in this inquiry, as well as multiple practical experiences including a trip to Rutherfords den and the Canterbury Museum.
·      Discoverers 1 and Discoverers 2 pods are both part of the Year 3/4 syndicate – we are working on the same things, just in two separate pods.
·      Star Student - each child has the chance to be our "Star Student", which involves jobs around the classroom, leading the class when lining up, sitting up on a chair and helping like a 'mini teacher'. The children cherish this opportunity.
·      Library day is Wednesday. A gentle reminder to your child to remember their books for Wednesday is very helpful!
·      Garden to Table - Happens 3x a term for each class in the Year 3/4 syndicate. Our first Garden to Table experience was awesome! The next date for Discoverers 1 Garden to Table is 7th March, and then again on 28th March. Do let us know if you are able to help out.
·      Goals setting conferences for Year 4’s - look out for info on the blog or email about these.
·      Behaviour management: class Dojo’s are awarded for showing our values or putting in a great effort; we use restorative practises to resolve conflict, and ensure that the class emphasis is being positive, firm and fair.
·      Supporting your child’s learning at home: Homework / Home Learning – We encourage at this age that children read for at least 20 minutes. This can be at night/before school, or split up. Reading groups formally begin next week, and books will be sent home with children next week. Children can also read library books if they like.
·      Maths home learning can be accessed through Studyladder (logins will be sent home next week) and there is also an optional Homework Challenge grid posted on our blog under the "Home learning Term 1" tab. Evidence can be bought in to school by the child, and kept in the back of their Spelling book (paper) or shown to the class / posted on the blog (digital).
·      If you would like to discuss specific aspects about your child’s learning, please feel free to make an appointment with class teacher/s. There are Year 3 milestone conferences, and Year 4 goal setting conferences to discuss these too.
·      Communication – Our blog is a great way to keep up with the learning in our pod - we endeavour to post as often as we can, and if there is anything specific you'd like to know about or see do drop us a line. Jenny and I are available on email 24/7, and you can call in to the classroom before or after school for a quick chat too.
·      Help in the classroom – We love having parent helpers for for school trips, Art, Garden to Table, putting reading books away, changing our class set of library books, and for Writing on Monday - Wednesday mornings 9am - 9.50am. If you would like to help out in the classroom or outside of the classroom let us know.

Thank you!

Kind regards,
Hayley and Jenny.

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